Tuesday, 30 October 2018

ProActive update october 2018 - Mailshots

Get Organised, Get Business

The video includes a description of the latest changes to ProActive.

The Mailshots feature includes a panel where you can check a list of who will be included in the mailshot. The panel also includes a list of those who will not be included in the email.

There are two reasons a Contact might not be included in an email: - The Contact does not have an email address - The Contact has the 'Do not Email' ticked on the Contact details. This is shown in the image below: After you check all the Contacts you click the big orange button and proceed to the mailshot.

Another update is the ability to add notes to a ritual. This works well when you are billing clients by the hours. You can use the timer button, which will keep track of time for you, and add notes describing what you worked on.

There is a report called Work Records. From here you can see, edit or create work records. You can also get a total of time per ritual.

The other announcement concerned the improvements we are making to the look and feel of Proactive.

We are updating the design layer, replacing Bootstrap v3 ith Bootstrap V4. This will enable us to greatly enhance the mobile version of Proactive.

Tony Radford